The following doctrinal and practical Biblical application commitments, initially established at the birth of the Biblical Mennonite Allicance, are intended as requirements for BMA pastors and congregations.
1. The Mennonite Confession of Faith (1963) forms the basis for our statements of belief and practice. We recommend a thorough acquaintance with the principles and standards contained therein. Congregations are encouraged to develop written positions, policies, and statements of encouragement on pertinent contemporary issues. Some issues with Alliance-wide interest may result in proposals for consideration and adoption by the Alliance .
2. We agree that the church is the pillar and guardian of the truth. As such, it has a vested interest in the education of its families through Sunday School, preaching, and meaningful worship. Since Christ is the fountainhead of all true knowledge, every effort should be made to provide a complete Christ-centered, high quality education for the children of our congregations. The believing father is primarily responsible to prepare his child(ren) for all of life. In the interests of its accountability to the Scriptures, each local brotherhood is expected to assist and encourage its fathers in this responsibility (Deut. 6:6-9; Eph. 6:4; Col. 2:3; I Tim. 3:15).
3. We agree that the proper application of the headship order is for the Christian man to take seriously the Biblical commandment to be a Christ-like leader in the home and congregation and for the woman to complement him as his helper.
4. We agree that, in order to maintain a clear witness, the best application of the Biblical requirement of long hair for the sisters is natural length. We also agree that the best application of the headship ordinance is that the sisters wear their veiling as a part of their regular attire. While a uniform style is not required across the Alliance , we do expect a veiling (or covering) of substantial size. We believe Christian men should have short hair and unveiled head.
5. We agree that the personal appearance of the true Christian believer must present a clear witness to Biblical teachings in such matters as modest apparel, gender distinctions, and simplicity. We agree to refrain from all decorative jewelry, the wedding band, and any makeup that alters the natural appearance.
6. We agree to urge our constituency to exercise Spirit-directed caution in the use of all media. Whenever the use of any media promotes an ungodly worldview or desensitization to sin, such use must be avoided (Psalm 101:3). Congregations should hold heads of households accountable for media use in their homes.
7. We agree that divorce and remarriage is outside the will of God and thus unacceptable. A second marriage with a former spouse living constitutes a state of adultery, requiring repentance and separation.
8. We agree that Gods gift of sex is to be reserved only for marriage. All forms of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are sinful perversions.
9. We agree that human life is a special gift of God. Abortion constitutes the inexcusable taking of unborn human life; thus, it is murder. This includes termination of pregnancies due to rape, incest, birth defects, gender selection, birth or population control, or the mental well-being of the mother. Infanticide and euthanasia, including assisted suicide, are also to be recognized as murder.
10. We agree to prioritize the command of Christ to make disciples in all nations, and to establish churches for membership in the Alliance across North America and beyond.
To assist Alliance congregations in the formation of Biblical positions and policies, the following works are recommended:
Separated Unto God, by J. C. Wenger
Introduction to Theology, by J. C. Wenger
Doctrines of the Bible, by Daniel Kauffman
Adopted by ministers of BMA 6/5/1998; updated 2/4/1999, 2/2/2000, 7/24/2009